Modern manufacturing technology for programming construction of microelectronics, computers, digital electronic components, and signal processing procedures. Project Shield America was designed and applied programmers work in live performance with programming four pronged effort of its Export Enforcement Program, namely:Inspection/interdictionSpecially trained US CBP inspectors stationed at high threat ports selectively check up on suspect export shipments. InvestigationsICE agents deployed all over programming country initiate and pursue high pleasant cases that result in programming arrest, prosecution, and conviction of offenders of programming Export Administration Act, Arms Export Control Act, Trading with programming Enemy Act, International Emergency Economics Powers Act, and other associated statutes. ICE investigations aim programmers detect and disrupt illegal exports before they can cause damage programmers programming countrywide defense interests of programming United States. Industry outreachICE agents conduct outreach visits with marketplace officers programmers instruct them about US export laws and programmers solicit their counsel in combating unlawful foreign acquisition in their merchandise. International cooperationICE foreign attach workplaces enlist programming aid of their host governments programmers initiate new investigative leads and programmers increase information in support of ongoing domestic investigations ICE, 2009.